Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Happy Renny

I've mentioned this before on the podcast (and maybe in the blog, not sure) but for the longest time my husband and I (since we met until about January of this past year) were Solitary Witches even from one another. It was really strange, especially since the real catalyst for us getting to know each other well enough to send us down the path toward a relationship was that we were both misplaced pagans (we were working at a Summer Camp in the deep south). We found out "Oh, you're pagan too?" and then it was pretty much left at that. I remember once a few years later talking about which books we'd read (recommended some we really liked back and forth to one another). We talked about Tarot once or twice. And that basically sums up our conversations from after meeting at summer camp and being long-distance friends (four years)and then me moving Texas and us moving in together, getting engaged, being married (four more years). AND THEN we finally both felt drawn to study and work more formally, found a coven/joined, and now we talk about something witchy/pagany most days. I love this. I've always known I had found my soulmate with my husband, but something happened yesterday that melted my heart in that super-sappy way and made me realize just how perfect we are for one another. We were out of diet coke (a potentially disastrous situation) and so I ran upstairs to put on jeans with the intent of going to the grocery store. I came back downstairs and sat next to my husband on the sofa (to tell him "I'm going to the store") but before I could say anything he posed a really interesting question about divinity. And then we sat there and discussed the aspects of divinity for over an hour. I love my husband, we're both perfect nerds for each other. :-) I'm truly thankful that I have such a wonderful partner in life.

A Happy,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Goth Kids

My husband and I saw Scott Pilgrim last night. Enjoyed it quite a bit. It did make me miss my high school/college days when I used to wear all black and kept my look all dark and mysterious (I wouldn't say I was totally goth...I just leaned that way...heavily). The goth kids in South Park make me miss those days too (incidentally, the goth kids deserve a spin-off). Life was actually fairly easy when everything sucked, everything made you want to die, and everyday ended with a dark depressing journal entry with angsty poems and sad girls drawn in the margins. It didn't feel easy then, in fact, I remember feeling completely out of control, upset about that, and like I was doing the best I could. And that's how I felt after the goth period, and still now. The past few years the realization that things don't really change much has become stronger. The way the world interacts with us doesn't seem to change, we do. How we deal, think, treat others those things change. But, the same stuff still happens. Every time I'm in a job that has any sort of social element to it, I feel like I'm back in high school. I'm starting to think we need to expect more of high schoolers, because the way they interact socially seems to become the way they interact for life.

I didn't mean for this to be an "angsty" post. But I suppose it kind of went there (Still under the Scott Pilgrim influence?). Thoughts, comments, ideas?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Auras, Healing, And Strength, OH MY!


So, the past week has brought a lot of clarity. I've spent this summer doing extra learning (reading everything that interests me, studying topics, and practicing). A dear friend has been helping me by healing my Chakras with Reiki and it's really done so much to open me up. I feel much more connected to myself and I'm regaining some "lost arts" as it were. As I child I could see Auras and I'm starting to see them again. I also just feel stronger about myself and my life.

I feel this is very important as we move toward the fall and impending the Christmas/New Years, my deadline for coming out of the broom closet to my family. I know that by being stronger and having a healthier relationship with myself it will make the coming out of broom closet experience better; whether it goes well or badly. I'm truly grateful to be where I am and to be headed in the direction that I am. Thank you to everyone who is helping me. You're truly appreciated.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Enjoying Life

My new mission is to enjoy the journey. I find that I'm so focused on my goals that I don't enjoy the process of achieving them, only obtaining them.

Short, but sweet.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Lughnasadh!

Merry Lughnasadh everyone! My Lughnasadh celebrations were a lot of fun. Rose Hollow's ritual last night was great (and the food was fab, as usual) and then many of the Rose Hollow crew made it out to the COG Public Sabbats today. I really enjoyed the ritual, despite the heat. :-)

And...episode number 3 of Shhh! There Are Pagans in Texas was released last night! I had a lot of fun recording this one with Rose and we got to interview Janet & Charles of Wren's Nest Coven who are the writers of the Seekers Bill of Rights. It's a great document to help keep seekers safe as they travel their pagan path, I highly recommend perusing it.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe first harvest and that your future harvests come to full fruition.