Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Banished Pumpkin

So my Mabon was unexpectedly extended. Friends of ours ended up delaying their Mabon celebration to this past weekend, so our Mabon continued! It's one of my favorite holidays, so no complaints from me. However...we were to each pick a pumpkin from a basket that had a blessing written on the bottom for the coming year. Mine said "Love"--which is good, all you need is love, right? Well...my husband just had to go and draw a pumpkin with "Fertility" written on it. Why?!?!

For those who don't know, I (and my husband) don't want to have babies. We'd like to raise children someday (adoption) but we do not want to have (biological) babies. It's just a thing we have.

I have banished the pumpkin to his office to promote fertility in his business.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hello Everyone!

So, a lot of news. I got a mini-job upgrade. I went from unreliable temporary work to a part time job that's reliable in addition to my unreliable job. It's very exciting and I'm very grateful for the upgrade. :-)

Our Coven's sign went up for our "Adopt a Park"! I <3 the picture. Brings me tons of job.

And finally, episode #4.5 of Shhh! There Are Pagan In Texas is here!! I literally finished editing within the past hour. Phew!

Happy Mabon everyone, I hope you receive the harvests you seek.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pagan Pride Day

Pagan Pride Day was great! I had a great time hanging out with Rose and my husband; I loved meeting Tommy Elf (From the Edge of the Circle), David Pollard (CUUPS Podcast), the Area Reps from CMA, and Michael and all of our other listeners who made it out yesterday! At our Shhh! There Are Pagans in Texas booth we had lots of freebies (or Shhhwag as a brillant listener referred to it). We had pagan water, pagan chocolate, quartz crystals, candles, and silver ribons for our new Pagan Journalist Awareness Campaign. Rose and I were impromptu-ly interviewed by the CPWS People, I've looked on their website to see if their is a video play back, but I haven't found it. I'll keep yo updated if they post something. It was a really good day, it was hot, and we all went home afterwards and passed out. My husband was my hero yesterday. He set up our easy-up (tent) and the new table (that I couldn't figure out) and tied awesome knots to hang our banner, and hung out with us and kept us sane. He is fantastic.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Quick Update

Our coven had our first "Adopt an Area" pickup yesterday! It was really fun. I only wish my allergies hadn't gone insanely overactive. My allergies have been so extreme, two days this week it rained and the temperatures dropped, something must be in bloom. :-/ But anyway, the pick up was tons of fun; we picked up a whole bunch of trash, had good conversations, and a nice break with lemonade half way thru.

Thanks to everyone who came out.

ALSO! Episode 4 of "Shhh! There Are Pagans In Texas" is here! You can download it from here.

And finally, Rose & I will be at Pagan Pride Day on Saturday the 11th! We'll have our own "Shhh! There Are Pagans in Texas" booth so come visit us!