Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Episode 2 & A Eulogy

First of all, I'm very excited! Rose and I recorded episode two of Shhh! There Are Pagans in Texas! yesterday! It would be finished now...if my computer hadn't been blown up by lightening on Monday. My hard drive survived, and my husband took it up to his office to pull some files I need from it to finish assembling Episode 2, as soon as he gets home from work I'll be finishing it up and posting it ASAP.

So, details about my computer. On Monday it rained. In fact it poured. Where I live in North Texas, this doesn't happen often and I was thrilled to bits. I thanked the rain/thunder and was super happy. I settled into my bedroom to work on rewriting notes from the last Tarot class I went to and there was a huge clap of thunder, a boom, and a pop and my computer was dead. The surge protector failed and it fried the mother board (and our Internet router). We decided to order a new computer, but it's going to be about two weeks before it gets here :-/ In the mean time, I've commandeered my husbands laptop and like I said, my hard drive survived, so I didn't loose any files, it's just a major inconvenience.

As a Eulogy for my Desktop, here is a haiku series:

Beautiful Desktop
Black as the velvet night sky
Your stars are now dim

Fate stole you away
Lead as a moth to a flame
Lost in the bright surge

Part of you lives on
To be given a new life
Your essence honor'd.

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