Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday Hate?


First of all: Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all! I hope you had a great day. Second of all: Happy Black Friday to all! I hope you had a great day, whatever that means to you.

It's funny, watching FaceBook over the past 24 hours; there's so much Black Friday Hate. Either people are excited or they hate it. I usually go Black Friday shopping. This year I saved about 65% off the regular prices on my purchases and I'm done with all my shopping for Christmas. I've just got some hand-made things to finish up. My Black Friday Experiences have always been good. I've never seen a mob, I've never been pushed or shoved, but I do have a cardinal Black Friday Rule; "Have a I don't care attitude at all times." For example: what you wanted to buy is sold out, instead of finding someone holding that item wrestling them down and ripping it from their hands say, "I don't care, I'll find something better or the same at another store." Another example: People in line infront of you are fighting and start getting really close to you, instead of saying Black Friday is terrible, I'm never doing this again, say "Wow, they're crazy, but I don't care." And then walk to the next line over to get away from the crazies (although this has never happened to me). Unless you are the kind of person who can go with the flow, then you shouldn't go a Black Fridaying, but don't hate on it just because it's not your style.

Additionally, I've found a lot of people saying Black Friday=Commercial=Bad. Ok, yes, the holidays should not be only about the commercial. But, spending some time picking something special for the people in your life that you care about is not commercial--it's kind and in some cases the least you can do. I just go Black Fridaying because the prices are really good that day, I can get it all out of the way in one day, and the extra money in my budget from getting things cheaper allows me to spend almost a third of my Christmas budget on a Salvation Army Angel Tree child.

Every day is what you make of it; if you decide a day is terrible and you let it make you feel icky all day, that's on you, not the day. Also, judging a whole group of people who go Black Fridaying as crazy and commercial-minded isn't cool. I think it's been well established (or should be at this point) you can't/shouldn't judge a large group of people. There is no way you can understand or know everyone's mindset or thoughts, don't pretend to.

And in closing: Thank you to everyone in my town for being awesome Black Fridayers. I had nice conversations with people in lines, the stores I went to were very well managed for the day, there was no pushing or shoving or cutting or cheating. Everyone was fair and cool. Thanks.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Psychic Fair


So my dear friend Rose and I went to the Sense-ations Psychic fair in Dallas yesterday. We really enjoyed it and will be doing an event review on the podcast (which we plan to record this week and put out on the 30th or 1st). I had two readings done and really enjoyed them both; we also did mini-sessions of Voice Mapping, which was really interesting.

More details to come out in the show.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Episode

Hello All!

New episode of Shhh! There Are Pagans in Texas will be coming out soonish...tonight or tomorrow. It is editted, it's just a matter of services catching up with me.

In this episode we ended up talking about proselytizing and I had written a prepared statement, which I'd like to also share here:

It is my belief (MY belief) that it is not right to attempt to change people. I believe that change can only originate from the individual. If they don't want to change, they won't, so it's rude to try to impose change on someone who doesn't want/ask for it. If someone has questions about a faith or a religion, then it makes perfect sense for them to seek out people of that religion/faith to learn about it, be it Christian, Wicca, Hindu, Muslim, etc. In my humble opinion that is the appropriate time to share or educate about your faith or religion--when it is asked of you. When people come to you, that is when they are open, or most likely to be open, to hearing what you say and then it is not a confrontation, just a conversation. When someone is attacking or defending, they're in fight or flight mode, survival more. When you're surviving you can't make logical statements or learn anything new.

So, in answer to the question: No, in my humble opinion, we as Pagans, Wiccans, in fact Human Beings of any faith should not proselytize. We should not be confrontational about something as deeply personal as faith. We should have civil interfaith conversations amongst those who want to participate; we should not force these conversations.

When I am approached by a proselytizer, I calmly and politely thank them for the information, end the conversation and move on with my life. They are just doing their job by sharing their faith. It's what they were called to do. And by being polite I am doing what I see as my job: not interfering with others faith, treating others politely, and since they didn't ask (they usually don't) about my faith not sharing. I'm not saying my way of handling it is the best or most appropriate for everyone, just for me. As long as they don't become confrontational or harass or abuse me; then I can handle it gracefully. Only if they were to cross the boundary into rude, mean, or illegal actions would it truly become a problem to me.

I just want to live and let live. Not everyone will agree with me, but by my own statement, that has to be OK.

Enjoy the Episode and have a great week!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Post Samhain

Hello All!

My husband and I had a fantastic Samhain! In this post are pictures of our Samhain Pumpkins. I carved the Goddess Pumpkin and he carved the God. We also roasted the seeds (which we're still eating on).
In other news, our whole apartment complex is having a wasp problem. My husband has had to kill at least 1 a day (sometimes up to 3) that has gotten into our house. He has to kill them because I'm allergic to them and if they sting me, I die. It's been almost a week and the complex hasn't done anything. The arguement is because it's been windy and they can't spray when the winds over 10 mph. That makes sense, but we also have a 1 inch gap in our front door (which they're coming in through) and they have yet to send anyone out to even look at that. I'm a bit frustrated. I don't really want to end up in the hospital for something preventable and I certainly don't want to die.
