Monday, January 4, 2010

Reclaiming Fulfillment

Going back to work after and extended vacation kind of sucks. I'm attempting to amend my usual pessimistic ways however, and face this year with a more optimistic perspective. Unfortunately I work for family (my in-laws), particularly Christian (very) family. So, I don't really get to be myself at work, but I'm hoping to face this year with more grace than the last.

My husband's not ready to come out to his family as a witch. I truly respect and understand his choice, but one of the reasons why I'm coming out of the closet to my family is in order that I may be more of myself in my life. The best times (read most fulfilled) have been those times that I was able to thoroughly express myself as a witch without having to hide or just flat out lie. These times were fleeting however, for example I spent my high-school summers at camps with little to no supervision. It allowed me to freely talk to other campers about my beliefs and to read whatever I wanted and to sneak out for midnight rituals in the woods. But then summer would end, I'd hide my books and supplies and go back to playing a Christian-daughter. I've never been as open as I was during my high-school summers and I've spent a lot of time since then trying to be the person other people want me to be; I'm ready to be myself.

Hopefully as I figure out the coming out process I can find, compile, and make a resource that will be helpful to my husband and others as they decide whether coming out of the broom closet it for them or not. I can imagine situations where it wouldn't be appropriate and it certainly shouldn't be done until one is sure they're ready. More on this in my next posting.

Bright Blessing!

1 comment:

  1. That would be an amazing resource to the Pagan community. You rock!!
